Monday, May 11, 2009

My Extra Blog

Hi every one this is Kara. I just realized that I havent been titling any of my blogs i dont think except for like one. I also realized that I bloged once on the wrong account so Mr. Welton when your checking keep that in mind

Ok so here's a summery of an article on (article)
I chose this article on climate because i thought it would work being that we just finished a climate unit.

CLimate is the average weather recorded over a large time-span. Weather is events that happen in the atmoshpere in a specfic place. Climate is overall. The factors that determine climate are latitude, altitude, proportion of land to water, and distance from oceans and mountains.
THere are more dynamic climates too. For example: The thermohaline circulation of the ocean gives energy from heat between the equatorial and polar regions; other ocean currents do the same between land and water on a bigger scale.
The amount of vegetation coverage has an affect on solar heat and how much it absorbs, water retention, and also rainfall.
Changes in the amount of greenhouse gasses determines the amount of solar energy the planet can hold which basicly leads to global warming or even global cooling.
There are many factors which determine climate and some are very, very complex. But now there is a general agreement as to what they are. Although it is very possible that we find more factors in the near future!

WOw!!! ok theee eeeennnddd ill be bak tomorrow to blog about the real weather!!! :D
luv ya!!

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